"Her Majesty The Queen, the first Monarch in British history to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee," captions Buckingham Palace staffers as Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee portrait is released. |
The 96-year-old monarch shows off a bright smile while sitting on a window sill at Windsor Castle. For the portrait, she had hair coiffed and she wore a powder blue suit and a string of pearls.
Unlike her previous jubilee portraits, where she donned her full regalia and shimmered with tiaras and jewels, this one is a pared-back photograph. In fact, she "chose instead to embody a more modest look in a reserved setting," Vogue's Elise Taylor writes. "Which, perhaps, is emblematic of her persona as a whole: throughout her reign, she has been a leader known for her no-fuss steadiness," Taylor explains.
Together the release of this latest portrait is a message of thanks to all those who made this once-in-a-lifetime event possible.
"Thank you to everyone who has been involved in convening communities, families, neighbours and friends to mark my Platinum Jubilee, in the United Kingdom and across the Commonwealth," The 96-year-old Queen begins her message.
"I know that many happy memories will be created at these festive occasions. I continue to be inspired by the goodwill shown to me, and hope that the coming days will provide an opportunity to reflect on all that has been achieved during the last seventy years, as we look to the future with confidence and enthusiasm."
Queen Elizabeth's photograph was taken by Ranald Mackechnie at Windsor Castle on 25 May. In her background is the Castle’s Round Tower and the statue of King Charles II which stands in the Quadrangle of the Castle.
Her Majesty The Queen, the first Monarch in British history to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) June 1, 2022
To mark the beginning of the #PlatinumJubilee Celebration Weekend, a new portrait of The Queen has been released.
📷 Ranald Mackechnie pic.twitter.com/nmQFf2Zpmy