Well-loved Alexandra: Another Royal Anecdote

 There was once story that when the future Queen Alexandra, then still a princess, was a very young girl, she and two of her girl friends were wandering in a forest. Then they decided to rest under the trees and started talking about what they would want to be when they grow up. Here is the story as relayed by Eva March Tappan. 

''I want to be famous," shared one. ''I want to paint a picture that everyone wall go to see, or to write a book that all Denmark will be eager to read."

''If I could do just what I liked," declared the second, " I would travel all over the world; so I will want to be a great traveler."

"I want to be rich," said the third, '' and then I can travel whenever I choose, and buy all the books I choose without having to write them, and all the pictures I choose without having to paint them. But what do you want, Alix? "

The Princess Alix had been thinking, and she answered slowly, "If I could have just what I wanted, I would choose that everyone who saw me should love me."

Princess Alexandra surely had her wish, for everyone who met her seemed to love her.

Source: In the days of Queen Victoria, by Eva March Tappan, 1903. 


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