January 25, 1858 was a raw and chilly morning, but London was in a festive mood. The eldest daughter of the sovereign, Briton’s beloved Vicky, is set to be mar…
After the old Houses of Parliament was burned down and the ensuing problems that occurred while planning the new building, Prime Minister Robert Peel thought o…
Shortly before the early hours of November 21, 1840, Queen Victoria woke up feeling in utter discomfort. Heavily pregnant with her first child, she was expect…
Princess Beatrice was the last of Queen Victoria’s children to be married. In fact, the was not interested to see her youngest daughter marry for fear that sh…
Victoria, Princess Royal and later known as the Empress Frederick, was intelligent and liberal minded but also suffered from a terrible fate in her adopted lan…
Queen Victoria enjoys luncheon with her daughter Princess Beatrice, her husband Prince Henry of Battenberg and their children. Behind them were The Queen's…
Queen Elizabeth II has presented the George Cross to National Health Service heroes at Windsor Castle. The George Cross is UK's highest civilian order an…
Queen Maud of Norway was the first queen of an independent Norway for over half a millennium. Known for her chic fashion sense, she was a beloved royal in Grea…
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester has reached a milestone in their married life as they celebrate their golden wedding anniversary last July 8. To mark this …
In its January 1894 issue, the editor of Godey's Magazine published a travelogue written by Charles H. Adams, who visited the Riviera some time in 1891. Am…