Charles III unveils first official portrait as king

Measuring approximately 8ft 6in by 6ft 6in, the massive oil on canvas portrays the King adorned in his distinctive red Welsh Guards uniform against a matching backdrop. Notably, Charles is depicted wielding a sword with a butterfly alighting on his shoulder, symbolizing themes of transformation and renewal, reflective of his enduring commitment to environmental causes.

Yeo started working on the portrait when Charles was still Prince of Wales with the first sitting held at Highgrove in June 2021. Queen Camilla, upon viewing the artwork, reportedly affirmed its likeness, remarking to Yeo, "Yes, you've captured him."

The The butterfly symbolizes the King's enduring passion for the environment. Yeo explains that it was the King's suggestion following their discussion about the potential to convey a narrative through the portrait. The Drapers' Company, a City of London livery company, commissioned the portrait, which will be displayed at Drapers' Hall.


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